Replacing Old Crowns: Is It A Good idea?

Replacing Old Crowns: Is It A Good idea?

Dental crowns are an important tool for repairing patients’ teeth when they’ve been damaged by injury, decay, or other factors. These dental caps can help to restore both aesthetic beauty and function to a patient’s teeth, so their durability, reliability, and longevity are important concerns for dentists and patients alike. Fortunately, there many crowns last for decades, providing patients with the dental solution they need to enjoy life in all its many forms. Unfortunately, there’s no guarantee that any crown will last for a lifetime. So, how do you know when it’s a good idea to replace your old crowns?

Decay Under the Crown

There are times when a dental examination will reveal that you have new decay beneath the crown. That can happen as the result of gum recession, which can leave your tooth’s root exposed to factors that cause decay. Obviously, that decay will need to be removed to prevent even more serious problems. In addition, the decayed area may require a new filling to protect it from further damage.
But what happens when a filling is not possible? In such cases, your dentist may have no choice but to replace the crown to ensure that the decayed area is properly capped. The good news is that your new crown will help to extend the life of that tooth and guard against further decay.

Damage to the Crown

There are also situations where crowns get damaged. Sometimes this occurs as the result of an accident or injury. Some people also grind their teeth when they sleep, and this can lead to wear and tear as well. For minor damage, your dentist can often just buff out any chips or irregularities. In many cases, however, the crown needs to be replaced altogether to help restore your tooth’s function and appearance.

Aesthetic Concerns

Speaking of appearance, that can be a concern as well. While dentists always strive to match your crown’s color to your natural teeth, that initial matching may not matter years down the road. If your teeth change color over time, you may eventually find that your crown no longer looks as natural as it once did. That can happen after teeth whitening procedures, for example. On the other hand, some older crowns may darken over time, and that too can make them appear out of place within your mouth. If your dental crown starts to look like it doesn’t quite belong next to your natural teeth, consult with your dentist to see if a crown replacement is the right solution for you.

As a rule, every crown should last for one or more decades, but no two people are alike. Thankfully, the team at Ebenezer Dental recognizes those differences, and will always be here to help you determine the right course of dental action for your oral health needs. Give us a call today to find out how the best dentist in midtown Manhattan can help you know when it’s time to replace an old crown.