Four Reasons Dental Implants Aren’t Always the Best Option

Four Reasons Dental Implants Aren’t Always the Best Option

Dental implants are truly a wonder of modern dental medicine. Today’s implants are durable, aesthetically pleasing, and long-lived. It’s no wonder that they’re a top choice for many dentists and the patients they serve. Unfortunately, there are times when dental implants may not be the best option for individual patients. In this article, we will examine four such times when patients would be better served by other tooth replacement options.

When Nerve Damage is a Possibility

Sometimes, it may be difficult to locate primary nerves in the jaw. At other times, the location of the needed implant may be too close to damaged nerves – which could lead to an implant failure. When dentists identify these types of problems prior to any implant procedure, they will typically recommend another tooth replacement solution for the patient.

When Patients Have Sinus Problems

Sinus problems can be especially challenging. Often, there is not enough good bone in the back haw to accommodate an implant in such instances. Moreover, implants that end up extending into the sinus cavity may cause irritation, inflammation, and even infection. Surgery can often repair the sinuses to make an implant possible, but many patients end up opting for a different tooth replacement solution instead.

When Patients are Allergic to Titanium

And then there’s the dreaded allergy issue. While it is true that most people are not allergic to the titanium used in implant posts, it does happen. Of course, that titanium also contains nickel as well – though in very minute quantities. Still, anyone who has a severe allergy to nickel will probably react negatively to its presence. Dentists will test for these allergies before committing to an implant procedure. If you are sensitive to either of those metals, chances are that your dentist will recommend alternate treatment options.

When Other Serious Health Conditions are in Play

There are also a whole host of other medical complications that can impact the decision to use this tooth replacement option. For example, if you have Type II diabetes and are having difficulty controlling it, then odds are that implants are a poor solution for your needs. The same holds true for regular smokers, and people who regularly clench their teeth or grind them in their sleep. Of course, your dentist will also choose another option if tests show that you don’t have enough bone to support the implant.

At Ebenezer Dental, we are committed to ensuring that every patient receives the best possible care and the most effective solutions for their tooth replacement needs. If you have a missing tooth that needs to be replaced, it is important to receive effective consultation and guidance before choosing the solution that’s right for you. When you choose the best dentist in midtown Manhattan, you can rest assured that you’re getting that guidance every step of the way. Give us a call today if you would like to know more about your implant options. We’ll be happy to schedule your next dental appointment so that you can continue to enjoy all the benefits that a perfect smile can provide.