Life Hacks for Healthier Teeth and Gums

Life Hacks for Healthier Teeth and Gums

Dental care has made great strides in modern times, and today’s dental care professionals can handle just about any challenge that comes their way. For patients, this is truly a golden era for maintaining that perfect smile we all prize so much. However, if you’re not taking care of your teeth and gums, then chances are that you may require more dental intervention than you’d probably prefer. To help you minimize your need for serious care, here are some simple life hacks that can keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible.

Listen to Dental Care Advice

When you hear dental recommendations about brushing, flossing, and other maintenance techniques, don’t dismiss the advice. Dentists make those recommendations based on studies and observations of care techniques that actually work. So, brush twice a day for two minutes at a time, floss at least once a day, and always follow your dentist’s recommendations!

Drink Water – Lots of Water

Water is essential for good health – and that includes the health of your teeth and gums. When you eat, it is easy for food particles to get lodged in every corner of your mouth. Worse, sugars and debris tend to linger on teeth and along the gum line – exposing your mouth to harmful acids that can promote tooth decay. You should drink water after meals and throughout the day to wash away these harmful compounds and keep your mouth as clean and clear as possible.

Sugar-Free Gum is Your Friend

There’s a reasonably good chance that you don’t carry a tooth brush around with you throughout the day. So, how do you get rid of food, sugars, and other debris and keep them from building up on your teeth and gums after dining outside the house? It’s simple! Always have some sugar-free gum on hand to deal with those occasions. The ADA has confirmed that patients can protect their teeth and prevent many cavities simply by chewing gum. That chewing increases saliva production, and that saliva serves an important acid-neutralizing role in dental care.

Don’t Skip Dental Appointments

The last life hack may be the most important of all, if only because so many patients ignore its sound advice. What is it? Well, it’s simple: go to your regularly-scheduled dental appointments! The fact is that far too many Americans skip those appointments or avoid seeing the dentist altogether. That’s a huge mistake, and one that could result in more serious dental problems down the road. Regular care from a competent dental professional can be the best way to ensure that your oral hygiene efforts stay on track!

When it comes to oral hygiene and professional dental care, nobody does it better than the team at Ebenezer Dental. At Ebenezer, you get the dental care you deserve, the education and advice you need, and a full commitment to helping you maintain your perfect smile. If you’d like to learn more about how the best dentist in midtown Manhattan can help you with your dental care needs, call to schedule your next appointment today.