After Invisalign: Maintaining Straight Teeth for Life

After Invisalign: Maintaining Straight Teeth for Life

Thanks to advanced Invisalign treatment, many people who have struggled with misaligned teeth have been able to enjoy straighter, more perfect smiles. The technology has been a particular boon for adults who are typically resistant to the idea of wearing metal braces and brackets. However, there always seems to be a certain percentage of patients that inevitably end up needing additional treatment to straighten their teeth again – primarily due to a failure to follow proper maintenance guidelines. That’s why it is critical for you to learn everything you can about your role in maintaining those straight teeth after your Invisalign care is complete.

Invisalign Is Just the Beginning!

The problem is that too many people assume that getting straight teeth ends their dental care. In reality, the end of your time with Invisalign braces is merely the beginning of what should be a lifelong focus on keeping those teeth in the proper alignment. The key is to follow the maintenance regimen laid out by your orthodontist.

That regimen will necessarily include a retainer. Now, if you had metal braces as a child, chances are that you’re familiar with retainers. Then again, if you had braces as a child and ended up needing Invisalign as an adult, then there’s an even greater chance that you may not be as familiar with retainers as you should have been. Many young orthodontic patients fail to wear their retainers, after all – which results in those newly aligned teeth sliding out of place over time.

Wear Your Retainer and Follow Your Orthodontist’s Directions

Here’s the thing: that retainer has an important purpose. It helps those newly-repositioned teeth to remain in perfect alignment. Moreover, most patients soon reach a point where they only need to wear the device while they are sleeping – which means that your daily life will be completely unaffected.

So, what do you need to know about your retainer? First, make sure that you have a custom-made retainer. Don’t simply use your Invisalign tray, as that won’t really work. Next, be sure to wear it every day as directed. You can take it out if you need to eat and should always remove it before drinking hot liquids – since the retainer plastic can warp when exposed to heat. It’s also important to clean your retainer daily, to remove bacteria, dirt, and debris.

Surprisingly, the simple act of wearing your retainer as instructed by your dentist can do wonders for that perfect smile you have worked so hard to achieve. Naturally, you will also need to maintain contact with your orthodontist and will need to keep all scheduled dental appointments with your dentist as well.

The important thing to remember is that you do have the power to influence your Invisalign aftercare – and you owe it to yourself to take that responsibility seriously. The right maintenance regimen can help to ensure that your straightened teeth will remain that way for life – giving you that perfect smile that you need and deserve.