When You Need Onlays, What Is The Best Filling Material for Your Teeth?

When You Need Onlays, What Is The Best Filling Material for Your Teeth?

While your permanent teeth are designed to last for the rest of your life, there are many hazards out there that can prevent that from happening. Teeth can get chipped, cracked, or suffer from decay and develop cavities. Left untreated, that damage can worsen over time and place the affected tooth at risk. You can prevent this, however, by seeking proper treatment in the form of fillings, onlays, and inlays. And when you are looking to get onlays in Midtown Manhattan, there’s only one place to go: Ebenezer Dental.

Obviously, if you’re talking about small cavities or minor damage, composite fillings are often the preferred option. The resin composite used for these procedures are resistant to heat, which means that they’ll hold their form and won’t contract or expand when they’re exposed to extreme temperatures. That can help to prevent damage to the enamel of the surrounding teeth. They also bond to the affected tooth’s surface, which minimizes the amount of drilling that needs to be done.

When it comes to more extreme tooth damage, however, you need onlays or onlays to correct the problem. Large cavities, chips, and cracks – and even staining of the teeth – often require more than conventional fillings or cleanings if they are to be corrected. And when it comes to onlays, there are two main options: porcelain or gold. For a variety of reasons, porcelain is typically the preferred choice for most patients.

While gold can offer greater strength, its unnatural color can distract from the set of pearly white teeth most people associate with a truly winning smile. Porcelain, on the other hand, offers a combination of strength and natural whiteness that enhances that smile rather than distracting from it.

Porcelain onlays offer another advantage over traditional fillings, of course. Because they are bonded directly to the tooth using powerful resins, they provide added strength to the repaired tooth rather than weakening it as sometimes happens when other methods are used. Porcelain onlays also have a greater degree of permanence, with many lasting decades or longer.

At Ebenezer Dental, you can enjoy another advantage with your inlay or onlay procedure: speed. Because we utilize the latest CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) technology, your procedure can be done in one simple visit. After the diagnosis, an optical impression of the tooth is created. Then the machine mills the proper inlay or onlay for your teeth. The end result is a durable, natural-looking ceramic onlay that will be indistinguishable from your natural teeth. Of course, these techniques can be applied for crowns and fillings as well.

The main thing to remember when you’re seeking repairs for decayed or otherwise damaged teeth is that you no longer have to settle for unnatural-looking repairs. With the newest natural-looking materials like porcelain and high-quality ceramic, you can have inlays and onlays that blend perfectly with the surrounding teeth. So, to maintain that attractive smile and a healthy mouth, you can rely on us whenever you need onlays in Midtown Manhattan.

  • CEREC machine at Ebenezer Dental
  • CEREC machine at Ebenezer Dental
  • CEREC Machine at Ebenezer Dental