Four Signs that Your Gums Might Be Receding

Four Signs that Your Gums Might Be Receding

Receding gums can be a major dental concern for millions of Americans. Unfortunately, there are many reasons for gum recession including unhealthy habits, hormonal changes, and a failure to follow recommended dental care guidelines. When gum recession occurs, it can eventually create gaps that leave them vulnerable to bacterial build up and eventual gum disease. The good news is that gum disease can be avoided if you recognize the four signs that your gums might be receding and get the dental care you need.

Your Gums Become Overly Sensitive, Tender, or Bleed During Brushing

Are your gums more sensitive than usual? Have you noticed tenderness when you eat, brush, or floss? Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? While any of these symptoms can occur at any time – and for relatively minor reasons in most instances – persistent sensitivity, tenderness, and bleeding is a clear indication that something is wrong. Persistent bleeding is one of the clearest signs that gums are receding and should always prompt a call to your dentist.

Your Teeth Become Discolored

Most of us experience discoloration of our teeth at different points in our lives. That’s why we rely on our dentists to provide the tooth whitening solutions we need to maintain healthy, white teeth. If you get your teeth whitened regularly and still see unexplained discoloration, however, it could be a sign that there’s a problem.

You See Widening Gaps Between Teeth

It is natural to have gaps between your teeth, and you should be glad they’re there. After all, without them, how would you ever be able to floss? Still, those gaps should remain constant – that is, unless your teeth are moving out of position. If you notice that those gaps are growing wider, don’t ignore the change. That widening gap may be the first evidence that your gums are receding.

Your Teeth Look Longer than Normal

Teeth do grow throughout our lives, but most of us never notice it. The fact is that adult teeth grow at an almost imperceptible rate. That’s why it can be so alarming when a patient notices that his or her teeth suddenly appear to have been growing at an unusual pace. If you happen to notice that your teeth appear to be significantly longer than usual, odds are that there’s a simple explanation: your gums are receding. That’s because receding gums expose more of the underlying tooth and create the illusion that your teeth have elongated.

These four signs that your gums might be receding should never be ignored. While there may not be a problem with your gums, your oral health is too important to be left to chance. At the first sign of gum recession, call your dentist and schedule an appointment. He or she will examine your teeth and gums, determine whether any problems exist, and recommend treatment to deal with any gum concerns. Early detection and treatment is the best way to prevent gum disease and a whole host of potential oral health issues.