5 Important Facts You Need to Know About Dental Implants

5 Important Facts You Need to Know About Dental Implants

Dental implants are among the most common and effective tooth replacement options used by today’s dentists. Millions of patients each year lose teeth to injury, illness, and decay, and dentists have only a few available replacement choices to offer their patients. Many now routinely recommend implants, since they offer the most natural-looking replacement solution for the patients who receive them. However, many patients know very little about these dental wonders, and thus have many questions that need to be answered. To help you better understand dental implants, here are five important facts that you should know.

Millions of Patients Have Implants, and That Number is Increasing Each Year

By some estimates, more than three million people in the United States enjoy the benefits of dental implants – and that number is growing with each passing year. There’s a reason for that, of course. Dental implants are almost indistinguishable from your natural teeth, durable, and fully functional. No wonder they’re such a popular choice for today’s dental patients!

Implants Fuse with Your Jawbone

One of the reasons that implants are so useful for tooth replacement solutions is that the titanium post fuses with the bone of the jaw. That’s an incredible benefit that provides the replacement tooth with a strong root foundation to ensure stability and function. In addition, an implant can help to stimulate new bone growth in the jaw.

Implants are Cavity-Free

Did you know that an implant cannot get a cavity? The artificial materials that comprise the implant are not subject to the same type of decay that your natural teeth can experience. Now, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t still brush it and the gums that surround it – to protect the surrounding teeth – but it does mean that you never have to worry about having a cavity in that replacement tooth.

Implants Are Suitable for Adults of All Ages

Adults are never too young or old to receive dental implants. The only requirement is that your jawbone have the strength and stability needed to support the titanium post and crown. That makes it a great option for any adult who needs a reliable tooth replacement solution.

Implants are Long-Lasting

Implants are considered the only permanent tooth replacement solution available today. Crowns can wear out. Bridges can be impacted by the health of adjacent teeth. Dentures need to be adjusted or replaced over time. Meanwhile, implants fuse with the jawbone and continue to serve you throughout your life. That longevity is important, since it provides real peace of mind for patients.

It’s vital to know the facts so that you can make an informed decision about your own dental health and tooth replacement options. These five key facts about dental implants help to demonstrate why so many dentists and their patients have chosen this replacement solution over all others. If you’ve lost a tooth and are weighing your replacement options, be sure to speak to your dentist about whether you’re a good candidate for dental implants.