Cosmetic Dentistry: Know Your Options

Cosmetic Dentistry: Know Your Options

Your smile is an important part of who you are, and can be critical for making a great first, second, and hundredth impression on those you meet. While a committed approach to daily oral hygiene remains an essential part of any strategy to maintain that smile, your dentist has a vital role to play as well. Yes, modern dentistry is about more than just cleaning teeth and filling cavities; today’s dentists also have a variety of capabilities that can be invaluable for helping you to get and keep that perfect smile.

Modern dentistry techniques can offer a wide range of options for your aesthetic and functional needs, ensuring that your teeth remain healthy, strong, and aesthetically-pleasing throughout your life.To maximize the benefits you receive from cosmetic dentistry, however, you need to know more about your options. One of the following techniques is likely to provide you with the dental benefits you need to meet your goals.

Teeth Whitening

We’re all focused on whiter teeth these days, but that bright, clean look doesn’t happen by accident. Yes, whitening toothpaste and home whiteners can help you to get a shade or two whiter, but for real results that last you need professional help. A great one-hour whitening procedure can leave your teeth as much as six shades brighter!

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are a fantastic option that can provide a thoroughly natural looking appearance. They’re commonly placed on teeth that are discolored, chipped, or otherwise unsightly. Since these veneers use materials similar to the enamel already found on your teeth, they are a durable solution for many dental defects.


Braces are a common solution to crooked teeth and other dental problems, but most adults would prefer to avoid walking around with a mouth full of metal. Invisalign braces can be a great alternative for many patients, and are an increasingly popular option for those adult patients. They’re almost undetectable, and offer important benefits that adults appreciate – like the ability to take them out when you need to clean them or eat certain foods.

Dental Implants

For many years, dentures were the option of choice for replacing lost teeth. However, dentures have always had drawbacks that made many people reluctant to use them. The new dental implants are a preferred option for many people who have lost teeth, since they provide a more permanent option. Implants are attached to the jaw bone, providing greater stability to the surrounding teeth. Moreover, they have a natural appearance and functionality that make them ideal solutions for your dental needs.

At Ebenezer Dental, our team is committed to ensuring that every patient receives the right treatment for his or her individual cosmetic needs. Whether you have dental imperfections that need to be corrected or simply want brighter, whiter teeth, we can provide you with the best cosmetic dentistry services in midtown Manhattan. Contact us today to learn how we can help you achieve your functional and aesthetic dental goals, and schedule your next appointment.